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Welcome to On Track!

A free service that supports 13-24-year-olds to move closer to or get into education, training, employment, or volunteering.

Our Different Projects

Young people litter picking at Great Yarmouth.

South Norfolk & Broadland Coaching

A project for young people aged 16-24 living in South Norfolk or Broadland. We offer 1-2-1 outreach coaching and follow on employability based activities and groups. The project aims to bridge the gap between disadvantaged young people and employment and training opportunities. This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


A staff member and a young person gardening.

Central Gt Yarmouth Engagement Coaching

Providing support to 14-19 year olds living in Nelson Ward, Great Yarmouth,  who are either NEET (not in education, employment or training), or at higher risk of becoming so.  Offering 1-2-1 coaching in school/college or outreach complimented by follow-on confidence and aspiration building activities,  groups and community engagement.​​​​​​

Three young people. Two sat on a sofa and one sat on the floor.

King's Lynn & West Norfolk Coaching 

A project for young people aged 16-24 living in King's Lynn and West Norfolk.  We offer 1-2-1 outreach coaching and follow on employability based activities and groups. The project aims to bridge the gap between disadvantaged young people and employment and training opportunities. This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Two young people painting in an art room.


A project to support young people aged 13-18 who are not in education, training or employment (or at risk of) to access regular positive activities and community engagement. The activities will be in a small group of no more than ten young people and will be Norwich City based. The aim of the project is to raise young people’s motivation and support them by building resilience to have hope for the future.

Get support

​To access support, click the button below to fill out our referral form. A social worker, teacher, or youth worker can complete it for you, or contact us for help.​

Contact us

​Still unsure? Would you like to talk to someone before deciding if you want to receive support? You can chat with us via email or over the phone - 01603 723845​

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