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Professionals Info

A little about us

We are a Norfolk charity that provides a free confidential service to young people up to 19. These young people can either be using substances (drugs, alcohol etc.) themselves or have a parent, carer, or sibling who is using substances that could be affecting them.


We can also offer brief interventions to young people who may not require ongoing support. This can be up to 3 sessions. 


If you are worried about a young person that doesn't want to engage with our service, we can provide you with advice and guidance, without the requirement for a referral. 


Additionally, our young people's team also has another service called On Track that supports young people who are not in education, training or employment (NEET). Click here to find out more.


To keep up to date with what our young people's team has been up to, subscribe to our professional's monthly newsletter using the button below.

Referrals to our Services

To do a referral for a young person you are working with, please use the referral forms below. If you need support or have any questions about the referral forms, please contact us


This service is for:

Age under 19's

Living in Norfolk

Impacted by family/relative drug/alcohol use


If you would like to refer an young person affected by a family members drug/alcohol use, please use the referral form below. 


This service is for:

Age under 19's

Living in Norfolk

Want to stop/reduce drugs/alcohol use


If you would like to refer a young person regarding their drug/alcohol use, please use the referral form below. 



This service is for:

13 - 24 year olds

Living in Norfolk

At risk/not in education or employment


If you would like to refer a young person who would like stupport to move closer to education, training or employment, please use the referral form below. 

Screening Tool

If you are working with a child or young person who is misusing drugs or alcohol, using a screening tool can be a helpful first step in starting a conversation about their substance use. When speaking with them, we recommend staying calm, actively listening, and avoiding overreaction.


It’s important to be prepared by familiarising yourself with the support offered by our service, Unity, which you can learn more about on our website. The young person is more likely to engage in the conversation if they feel you understand their situation, are non-judgmental, and that they won’t get into trouble.


Click the button below to access the screening tool. You can either use it on your computer with the interactive tick boxes or print it out.

Our Targeted Group Offer

For targeted groups of young people who have increased vulnerability to substance misuse we can provide structured and unstructured educational sessions tailored to the needs of each group. You can find out more about out more about the support we offer to young people with vulnerabilities and how to request a session using the button below.  â€‹

Working with Families

We provide comprehensive support for our service users which can incorporate support for parents and carers. You can find out more about what we cover via the parents info page using the button below.

Getting Appropriate Accurate Advice and Information

We have a resources page where we link to relevant resources to help better inform and support young people, parents and carers. If you work for an organisation that you think would benefit the young people we work with, please get in touch.


  • How do I get support for someone I know/myself?
    Anyone can get in touch with us to make a referral. This could be a parent, carer or professional or you. If you want to refer yourself or someone you know, you can do this by going to our contact us page to chat with a member of the team in the most accessible way for you.
  • What happens when I get referred?
    We will contact you, or the person referring you and arrange to come and meet, in a place you feel comfortable.
  • What happens if I change my mind?
    Just let us, or the person who referred you know. Our support is totally voluntary. We understand that people change their minds. You are always welcome to come back.
  • Will you tell other people what I have said?
    We offer a confidential service. Confidentiality means us not telling anyone else about the things you tell us, we will talk to you about who you are comfortable with us talking to. Sometimes your parents, carers or teachers may be aware that you have been referred to us, particularly if you chose to see us at your school or home, this does not mean we will tell them everything that you tell us, we will discuss this with you and agree what information YOU feel comfortable sharing. If there’s a risk of very serious harm to you, or someone else, we may need to share some of what you have told us, we will try and talk to you and let you know what might happen next.
  • Will you tell me to stop using drugs/alcohol?
    No we understand this is your choice and people use substances for a variety of reasons. We are not here to judge you, or tell you what to do, we will support you to decide what you want from the support.
  • Do you have to tell my parents that I am working with you?
    If you are over 13 and we feel you understand what it means to get support from us, we do not need to tell your parents that we are supporting you. If you are under 13, we do need to get consent from your parent or carer to be able to offer you support. This doesn’t mean we will tell them what we talk about with you.
  • Will I get into trouble?
    We will not share the information you tell us unless we are extremely worried for your safety, our aim would be to keep you safe not for you to get into trouble.
  • How long can you work with people?
    For the YouCan and Unity service. Our support is not time limited we can continue to support you for as long as you feel you need the support. We can see you weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, depending on what works best for you. For On Track, there are sometimes time limits depending on the service. Contact On Track's for more details.
  • Is there a waiting list?
    We do have at times a waiting list but we will be in contact within 2 weeks and will always keep you updated of when a meeting will be booked.
  • Can I see you in school?
    Yes we can come and meet you in a place you feel comfortable this could be at home, school, college, wherever you feel comfortable.
  • Can I talk to you about other stuff?
    Yes we understand that drug or alcohol issues can be one of the issues you are facing, we will complete an assessment with you that will look at what other support may be useful, this could include mental and physical health, housing, education and relationship advice.
  • Will there be a change in worker?
    We try not to change your worker, we know it can be difficult when one of our workers leave, if we have to change you to a new worker, we will ask you what kind of person you would feel most comfortable with and try and match you with one of our workers.
  • Can I bring someone with me?
    Yes we understand it can be a big step meeting someone new.
  • My parents/carers don't drive, how do I get to you?
    We come to you! We can meet you in a location you feel comfortable such as school and for our holiday activities we can arrange transport so you can attend.
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